2018-02-01 21:35:04 +08:00

88 lines
3.8 KiB

# hugo-theme-even
A super concise theme for Hugo
> It's a port of the [hexo-theme-even](
[Demo]( | [中文说明](
## Screenshots
## Installation
$ git clone themes/even
**Important:** Take a look inside the [`exampleSite`]( folder of this theme. You'll find a file called [`config.toml`]( **To use it, copy the [`config.toml`]( in the root folder of your Hugo site.** Feel free to change it.
## Language Support
> Translations are collected from the [`themes/even/i18n/`]( folder (built into the theme), as well as translations present in `i18n/` at the root of your project. The translations will be merged and take precedence over what is in the theme folder.
To use the translations, just set a correct value for [`defaultContentLanguage`](
defaultContentLanguage = "en" # en / zh-cn / other...
Can also support any other languages as well. For example, to support german, create a file `/i18n/de.yaml` in the root folder of your Hugo site. For reference template you can see the [`en.yaml`]( file.
P.S. In multilingual mode, the language which currently being used to render the website will be used.
## Favicon
In order to customize the favicon you need to place **all** the following files in the `static` folder at the root of your site, which will overwrite those files in the [`themes/even/static/`]( folder.
- android-chrome-192x192.png
- android-chrome-512x512.png
- apple-touch-icon.png
- browserconfig.xml
- favicon.ico
- favicon-16x16.png
- favicon-32x32.png
- manifest.json
- mstile-150x150.png
- safari-pinned-tab.svg
A [favicon generator]( can help you generate these files.
## Front Matter
You can customize something for a single content in the content's front-matter. The [`themes/even/archetypes/`]( shows all available params. Copy this file in the `archetypes` folder at the root of your project will be useful.
## Shortcodes
This theme provides `center`,` right`, `left`,` music` four shortcodes, and support `center`,` right`, `left` class for the built-in `figure`. See more information from [there](
## Theme Color
There are five built-in theme colors ( Default | Mint Green | Cobalt Blue | Hot Pink | Dark Violet ), you can config it by changing the `$theme-color-config` value in [`/src/css/_variable.scss`](
## Build
If you changed any file under `/src/`, you need to rebuild.
cd ./themes/even/src/
npm install
npm run build
## Update Theme
cd ./themes/even/
git pull
## License
Released under the [MIT]( License.
## Acknowledgements
- [ananke](
- [hexo-theme-even](
- [hugo-nuo](