modificada estructura y agregados elementos al paquete

This commit is contained in:
Felipe Portales-Oliva 2019-03-28 03:31:16 -03:00
parent 93ff5e8a4e
commit 24e904987e
4 changed files with 101 additions and 33 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -3,3 +3,4 @@

fphw.cls Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
%% Tareas Estilosas
%% Felipe Portales-Oliva (
%% Clase para crear respuestas a tareas de manera sencilla
\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} % we need to have LaTeX2e for this to compile
\ProvidesClass{fphw}[2019/03/19 LaTeX class to deliver your homework]
% We will use the article class as a template, with a fontsize of 11pt
% UTF-8 is best coding
% We won't need those ugly margins
% we will modify sections, subsections and sub subsections
% Minipage is cool
% \RequirePackage{minipage}
%%% set margins for the document
% Narrow
% two columns are really difficult to grade, this is to avoid them
% \DeclareOption{twocolumn}{\OptionNotUsed}
% As we loaded the article class we need to pass it options not specifically
% defined, such as font size
% This is the point when we pass the options
% We define the macro for the name of the professor
\newcommand{\professor}[1]{ \renewcommand{\professor}{#1} }
% We define the macro for the name of the class
\newcommand{\class}[1]{ \renewcommand{\class}{#1} }
% We define the macro for the name of the institution
\newcommand{\institute}[1]{ \renewcommand{\institute}{#1} }
% Redefine the title for the class
{\scshape \institute} \\[10pt]
{\LARGE \bfseries \@title} \\[5pt]
Student name: {\itshape \@author}
Course: {\itshape\class} -- Professor: {\itshape\professor}
Due date: {\itshape\@date}
% Modification of section
% modification of subsection and sub sub section
\titleformat{\subsection}[runin]{\bfseries}{ \thesubsection.}
\titleformat{\subsubsection}[runin]{\bfseries\itshape}{ \thesubsubsection.}
% we finish the class

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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
%% Tareas Estilosas
%% Felipe Portales-Oliva (
%% Clase para crear respuestas a tareas de manera sencilla
\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} % we need to have LaTeX2e for this to compile
\ProvidesClass{tareas-fp}[2019/03/19 LaTeX class to deliver your homework]
% We will use the article class as a template, with a fontsize of 11pt
% UTF-8 is best coding
% We won't need those ugly margins
% two columns are really difficult to grade, this is to avoid them
% As we loaded the article class we need to pass it options not specifically defined, such as font size

View file

@ -1,14 +1,29 @@
% this is a test document for the class we defined in this project
\title{my tytle}
\title{Homework \#1}
\author{Felipe Portales Oliva}
\professor{Dr. A. Landulfo}
\class{Relativistic Quantum Mechanics}
\institute{Universidad Federal do ABC \\ Programa de Pos Graduaçao en Física}
hóla beééééébééééé
\[ E= mc^2 \]