Felipe Portales-Oliva 93ff5e8a4e commit inicial
2019-03-28 01:45:00 -03:00

26 lines
776 B

%% Tareas Estilosas
%% Felipe Portales-Oliva (f.portales.oliva@gmail.com)
%% Clase para crear respuestas a tareas de manera sencilla
\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} % we need to have LaTeX2e for this to compile
\ProvidesClass{tareas-fp}[2019/03/19 LaTeX class to deliver your homework]
% We will use the article class as a template, with a fontsize of 11pt
% UTF-8 is best coding
% We won't need those ugly margins
% two columns are really difficult to grade, this is to avoid them
% As we loaded the article class we need to pass it options not specifically defined, such as font size