2022-03-11 10:32:10 +05:30

217 lines
4.4 KiB

title: "Shortcodes"
date: 2016-08-30T16:01:23+08:00
lastmod: 2018-02-01T18:01:23+08:00
draft: false
tags: ["shortcodes"]
categories: ["shortcodes"]
# Admonition
{{% admonition note "I'm title!" false %}}
biu biu biu.
{{% admonition type="note" title="note" details="true" %}}
biu biu biu.
{{% /admonition %}}
{{% admonition example %}}
Without title.
{{% /admonition %}}
{{% /admonition %}}
{{%/* admonition note "I'm title!" false */%}}
biu biu biu.
{{%/* admonition type="note" title="note" details="true" */%}}
biu biu biu.
{{%/* /admonition */%}}
{{%/* admonition example */%}}
Without title.
{{%/* /admonition */%}}
{{%/* /admonition */%}}
{{% admonition abstract abstract %}}
biu biu biu.
{{% /admonition %}}
{{%/* admonition abstract abstract */%}}
biu biu biu.
{{%/* /admonition */%}}
{{% admonition info "info" %}}
biu biu biu.
{{% /admonition %}}
{{% admonition tip "tip" %}}
biu biu biu.
{{% /admonition %}}
{{% admonition success "success" %}}
biu biu biu.
{{% /admonition %}}
{{% admonition question "question" %}}
biu biu biu.
{{% /admonition %}}
{{% admonition warning "warning" %}}
biu biu biu.
{{% /admonition %}}
{{% admonition failure "failure" %}}
biu biu biu.
{{% /admonition %}}
{{% admonition danger "danger" %}}
biu biu biu.
{{% /admonition %}}
{{% admonition bug "bug" %}}
biu biu biu.
{{% /admonition %}}
{{% admonition example "example" %}}
biu biu biu.
{{% /admonition %}}
{{% admonition quote "quote" %}}
biu biu biu.
{{% /admonition %}}
# center, right, left
## default
![img](/path/to/img.gif "img")
{{%/* center */%}}
## center
![img](/path/to/img.gif "img")
{{%/* /center */%}}
{{%/* right */%}}
## right
![img](/path/to/img.gif "img")
{{%/* /right */%}}
{{%/* left */%}}
## left
![img](/path/to/img.gif "img")
{{%/* /left */%}}
## default
![img]( "img")
{{% center %}}
## center
![img]( "img")
{{% /center %}}
{{% right %}}
## right
![img]( "img")
{{% /right %}}
{{% left %}}
## left
![img]( "img")
{{% /left %}}
## figure with class
{{%/* figure src="/path/to/img.gif" title="default" alt="img" */%}}
{{%/* figure class="center" src="/path/to/img.gif" title="center" alt="img" */%}}
{{%/* figure class="right" src="/path/to/img.gif" title="right" alt="img" */%}}
{{%/* figure class="left" src="/path/to/img.gif" title="left" alt="img" */%}}
{{% figure src="" title="default" alt="img" %}}
{{% figure class="center" src="" title="center" alt="img" %}}
{{% figure class="right" src="" title="right" alt="img" %}}
{{% figure class="left" src="" title="left" alt="img" %}}
{{%/* center */%}}
## hybrid in center
{{%/* figure src="/path/to/img.gif" title="default" alt="img" */%}}
{{%/* figure class="right" src="/path/to/img.gif" title="right" alt="img" */%}}
{{%/* left */%}}
{{%/* figure src="/path/to/img.gif" title="default in left" alt="img" */%}}
{{%/* /left */%}}
{{%/* /center */%}}
{{% center %}}
## hybrid in center
{{% figure src="" title="default" alt="img" %}}
{{% figure class="right" src="" title="right" alt="img" %}}
{{% left %}}
{{% figure src="" title="default in left" alt="img" %}}
{{% /left %}}
{{% /center %}}
# Music 163
## Params
- `id`
- required param
- you can extract from music url
- url format
- Fiddle `auto`
- optional param
- default value 0
- you can overwrite it with 1
## Examples
- Simple
{{%/* music "28196554" */%}}
{{%/* music "28196554" "1" */%}}
- Named Params
{{%/* music id="28196554" */%}}
{{%/* music id="28196554" auto="1" */%}}
- Example
{{%/* music "28196554" */%}}
{{%/* music "28196554" */%}}
.post-content img {
height: 64px;