{ plugins = { bufferline = { enable = true; separatorStyle = "thick"; # "slant", "padded_slant", "slope", "padded_slope", "thick", "thin" offsets = [ { filetype = "neo-tree"; text = "Neo-tree"; highlight = "Directory"; text_align = "left"; } ]; }; }; keymaps = [ { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "BufferLineCycleNext"; options = { desc = "Cycle to next buffer"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "BufferLineCyclePrev"; options = { desc = "Cycle to previous buffer"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "BufferLineCycleNext"; options = { desc = "Cycle to next buffer"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = ""; action = "BufferLineCyclePrev"; options = { desc = "Cycle to previous buffer"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "bd"; action = "bdelete"; options = { desc = "Delete buffer"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "bb"; action = "e #"; options = { desc = "Switch to other buffer"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "br"; action = "BufferLineCloseRight"; options = { desc = "Delete buffers to the right"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "bl"; action = "BufferLineCloseLeft"; options = { desc = "Delete buffers to the left"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "bo"; action = "BufferLneCloseOthers"; options = { desc = "Delete other buffers"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "bp"; action = "BufferLineTogglePin"; options = { desc = "Toggle pin"; }; } { mode = "n"; key = "bP"; action = "BufferLineGroupClose ungrouped"; options = { desc = "Delete non-pinned buffers"; }; } ]; }