= Matlab for Nix users This repo is a collection of files that should help Nix and NixOS users install Matlab imperatively. == Install Like any other Matlab user, you should first go to your Matlab account on Mathworks' website, at: https://www.mathworks.com/mwaccount/ and download the installation zip file. Extract the zip file and note the `install` executable you just extracted. To run that file, you'll need to get into a FHS environment that a nix-shell will provide. === Run `matlab-shell` with an unstable Nix .... nix run github:doronbehar/nix-matlab#matlab-shell .... === Run `matlab-shell` with +++stable+++ legacy Nix .... git clone https://github.com/doronbehar/nix-matlab cd nix-matlab nix-shell .... === Installation of Matlab itself include::./install.adoc[] === Adding `matlab` executables to your system TODO:: Write this ==== For NixOS users with a flakes setup ==== For NixOS users without a flakes setup ==== Home Manager setup == Previous work TODO:: Add links to tviti's repo etc.