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synced 2025-02-18 14:20:00 +00:00
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250 lines
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{ config, pkgs, inputs, ... }:
# Home Manager needs a bit of information about you and the
# paths it should manage.
home.username = "user";
home.homeDirectory = "/home/user";
programs.home-manager.enable = true;
imports = [
# This value determines the Home Manager release that your
# configuration is compatible with. This helps avoid breakage
# when a new Home Manager release introduces backwards
# incompatible changes.
# You should not change this value, even if you update Home Manager. If you do
# want to update the value, then make sure to first check the Home Manager
# release notes.
home.stateVersion = "22.11"; # Please read the comment before changing.
# Allow non-free packages
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
nixpkgs.config.joypixels.acceptLicense = true;
# Manage session variables
home.sessionVariables = {
# default editor
EDITOR = "nvim";
# sshaskpass
SSH_ASKPASS = "/home/user/.nix-profile/bin/ksshaskpass";
# Store git credentials in KDE Wallet
GIT_ASKPASS = "/home/user/.nix-profile/bin/ksshaskpass";
# The home.packages option allows you to install Nix packages into your
# environment.
home.packages = with pkgs; [
# # Adds the 'hello' command to your environment. It prints a friendly
# # "Hello, world!" when run.
# pkgs.hello
# # It is sometimes useful to fine-tune packages, for example, by applying
# # overrides. You can do that directly here, just don't forget the
# # parentheses. Maybe you want to install Nerd Fonts with a limited number of
# # fonts?
# (pkgs.nerdfonts.override { fonts = [ "FantasqueSansMono" ]; })
# # You can also create simple shell scripts directly inside your
# # configuration. For example, this adds a command 'my-hello' to your
# # environment:
# (pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "my-hello" ''
# echo "Hello, ${config.home.username}!"
# '')
xsel wget neofetch htop oh-my-zsh git chromium plasma5Packages.qtstyleplugin-kvantum kdeconnect
microsoft-edge vivaldi vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs x264 joypixels rustc cargo unzip ocs-url
nextcloud-client duf foliate mpv obsidian dino aria2 bitwarden kitty-themes p7zip
tdesktop libreoffice-fresh jetbrains-mono yakuake krita filelight inkscape yt-dlp ranger
libsForQt5.kwallet libsForQt5.kwallet-pam libsForQt5.kwalletmanager libsForQt5.ksshaskpass
cachix direnv git-lfs nix-direnv zathura starship gnome.gnome-tweaks gnome-extension-manager
nixpkgs.config.permittedInsecurePackages = [
programs.bash = {
enable = false;
bashrcExtra = ''
. ~/.bashrc
eval "$(direnv hook bash)"
eval "$(starship init bash)"
programs.zsh = {
enable = true;
enableCompletion = true;
enableAutosuggestions = true;
syntaxHighlighting.enable = true;
# enableBashCompletion = true;
oh-my-zsh = {
enable = true;
theme = "ys";
plugins = ["git" "colored-man-pages" "extract" "sudo"];
initExtra = ''
eval "$(direnv hook zsh)"
eval "$(starship init zsh)"
alias vv=nvim
alias yt-dlp-1080="yt-dlp -f 'bestvideo[height<=1080]+bestaudio/best[height<=1080]'"
programs.kitty = {
enable = true;
keybindings = {
# Create a new window splitting the space used by the existing one so that
# the two windows are placed one above the other
"f5" = "launch --location=hsplit";
# Create a new window splitting the space used by the existing one so that
# the two windows are placed side by side
"f6" = "launch --location=vsplit";
# Create a new window splitting the space used by the existing one so that
# the two windows aew placed side by side if the existing window is wide or
# one above the other if the existing window is tall
"f4" = "launch --location=split";
# Rotate the current split, changing its split axis from vertical to
# horizontal or vice versa
"f7" = "layout_action rotate";
# Move the active window in the indicated direction
"shift+up" = "move_window up";
"shift+left" = "move_window left";
"shift+right" = "move_window right";
"shift+down" = "move_window down";
# Move the window to the indicated screen edge
"ctrl+shift+up" = "layout_action move_to_screen_edge top";
"ctrl+shift+left" = "layout_action move_to_screen_edge left";
"ctrl+shift+right" = "layout_action move_to_screen_edge right";
"ctrl+shift+down" = "layout_action move_to_screen_edge bottom";
# Switch focus to the neighboring window in the indicated direction
"ctrl+left" = "neighboring_window left";
"ctrl+right" = "neighboring_window right";
"ctrl+up" = "neighboring_window up";
"ctrl+down" = "neighboring_window down";
extraConfig = "include ~/.config/kitty/current-theme.conf
font_family JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
bold_font JetBrainsMono NF Bold
italic_font JetBrainsMono NF Italic
bold_italic_font JetBrainsMono NF Bold Italic
wayland_titlebar_color system
hide_window_decorations no
linux_display_server x11
confirm_os_window_close 0
programs.nixvim = import ./nixvim.nix pkgs;
programs.neovim = {
enable = false;
defaultEditor = true;
# coc.enable = true;
# extraLuaConfig = ''
# for _, source in ipairs {
# "astronvim.bootstrap",
# "astronvim.options",
# "astronvim.lazy",
# "astronvim.autocmds",
# "astronvim.mappings",
# } do
# local status_ok, fault = pcall(require, source)
# if not status_ok then vim.api.nvim_err_writeln("Failed to load " .. source .. "\n\n" .. fault
# ) end
# end
# if astronvim.default_colorscheme then
# if not pcall(vim.cmd.colorscheme, astronvim.default_colorscheme) then
# requrie("astronvim.utils").notify(
# "Error setting up colorscheme: " .. astronvim.default_colorscheme,
# vim.log.levels.ERROR
# )
# end
# end
# require("astronvim.utils").conditional_func(astronvim.user_opts("polish", nil, false), true)
# '';
# plugins = (with pkgs.vimPlugins; [
# rust-vim
# rust-tools-nvim
# coc-rust-analyzer
# nvim-treesitter-parsers.rust
# nvim-treesitter-parsers.cpp
# nvim-treesitter-parsers.c
# nvim-treesitter-parsers.latex
# coc-rls
# coc-clangd
# clangd_extensions-nvim
# vim-clang-format
# ]);
programs.vscode = {
enable = true;
extensions = (with pkgs.vscode-extensions;[
# ms-vscode.cpptools
programs.bat = {
enable = true;
config = {
theme = "ansi";
services.mpris-proxy.enable = true;
# Home Manager is pretty good at managing dotfiles. The primary way to manage
# plain files is through 'home.file'.
#home.file = {
# # Building this configuration will create a copy of 'dotfiles/screenrc' in
# # the Nix store. Activating the configuration will then make '~/.screenrc' a
# # symlink to the Nix store copy.
# ".screenrc".source = dotfiles/screenrc;
# # You can also set the file content immediately.
# ".gradle/gradle.properties".text = ''
# org.gradle.console=verbose
# org.gradle.daemon.idletimeout=3600000
# '';
# You can also manage environment variables but you will have to manually
# source
# ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/hm-session-vars.sh
# or
# /etc/profiles/per-user/user/etc/profile.d/hm-session-vars.sh
# if you don't want to manage your shell through Home Manager.