Justine Tunney 78ca9838ee Make loading weights 10-100x faster
This is a breaking change that's going to give you three benefits:

1. Your inference commands should load 100x faster
2. You may be able to safely load models 2x larger
3. You can run many concurrent inference processes

This was accomplished by changing the file format so we can mmap()
weights directly into memory without having to read() or copy them
thereby ensuring the kernel can make its file cache pages directly
accessible to our inference processes; and secondly, that the file
cache pages are much less likely to get evicted (which would force
loads to hit disk) because they're no longer competing with memory
pages that were needlessly created by gigabytes of standard i/o.

The new file format supports single-file models like LLaMA 7b, and
it also supports multi-file models like LLaMA 13B. Our Python tool
now merges the foo.1, foo.2, etc. files back into a single file so
that the C++ code which maps it doesn't need to reshape data every
time. That's made llama.cpp so much simpler. Much of its load code
has now been deleted.

Furthermore, this change ensures that tensors are aligned properly
on a 32-byte boundary. That opens the door to seeing if we can get
additional performance gains on some microprocessors, by using ops
that require memory alignment.

Lastly note that both POSIX and the Windows platform are supported

Fixes #91
2023-03-30 12:28:25 -07:00

152 lines
5.1 KiB

#ifndef LLAMA_H
#define LLAMA_H
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__)
# define LLAMA_API __declspec(dllexport)
# else
# define LLAMA_API __declspec(dllimport)
# endif
# else
# define LLAMA_API __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
# endif
# define LLAMA_API
#define LLAMA_FILE_MAGIC 0x67676a74 // 'ggjt' in hex
#define LLAMA_FILE_MAGIC_UNVERSIONED 0x67676d6c // pre-versioned files
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// C interface
// TODO: show sample usage
struct llama_context;
typedef int llama_token;
typedef struct llama_token_data {
llama_token id; // token id
float p; // probability of the token
float plog; // log probability of the token
} llama_token_data;
typedef void (*llama_progress_callback)(float progress, void *ctx);
struct llama_context_params {
int n_ctx; // text context
int n_parts; // -1 for default
int seed; // RNG seed, 0 for random
bool f16_kv; // use fp16 for KV cache
bool logits_all; // the llama_eval() call computes all logits, not just the last one
bool vocab_only; // only load the vocabulary, no weights
bool use_mlock; // force system to keep model in RAM
bool embedding; // embedding mode only
// called with a progress value between 0 and 1, pass NULL to disable
llama_progress_callback progress_callback;
// context pointer passed to the progress callback
void * progress_callback_user_data;
LLAMA_API struct llama_context_params llama_context_default_params();
// Various functions for loading a ggml llama model.
// Allocate (almost) all memory needed for the model.
// Return NULL on failure
LLAMA_API struct llama_context * llama_init_from_file(
const char * path_model,
struct llama_context_params params);
// Frees all allocated memory
LLAMA_API void llama_free(struct llama_context * ctx);
// TODO: not great API - very likely to change
// Returns 0 on success
LLAMA_API int llama_model_quantize(
const char * fname_inp,
const char * fname_out,
int itype);
// Run the llama inference to obtain the logits and probabilities for the next token.
// tokens + n_tokens is the provided batch of new tokens to process
// n_past is the number of tokens to use from previous eval calls
// Returns 0 on success
LLAMA_API int llama_eval(
struct llama_context * ctx,
const llama_token * tokens,
int n_tokens,
int n_past,
int n_threads);
// Convert the provided text into tokens.
// The tokens pointer must be large enough to hold the resulting tokens.
// Returns the number of tokens on success, no more than n_max_tokens
// Returns a negative number on failure - the number of tokens that would have been returned
// TODO: not sure if correct
LLAMA_API int llama_tokenize(
struct llama_context * ctx,
const char * text,
llama_token * tokens,
int n_max_tokens,
bool add_bos);
LLAMA_API int llama_n_vocab(struct llama_context * ctx);
LLAMA_API int llama_n_ctx (struct llama_context * ctx);
LLAMA_API int llama_n_embd (struct llama_context * ctx);
// Token logits obtained from the last call to llama_eval()
// The logits for the last token are stored in the last row
// Can be mutated in order to change the probabilities of the next token
// Rows: n_tokens
// Cols: n_vocab
LLAMA_API float * llama_get_logits(struct llama_context * ctx);
// Get the embeddings for the input
// shape: [n_embd] (1-dimensional)
LLAMA_API float * llama_get_embeddings(struct llama_context * ctx);
// Token Id -> String. Uses the vocabulary in the provided context
LLAMA_API const char * llama_token_to_str(struct llama_context * ctx, llama_token token);
// Special tokens
LLAMA_API llama_token llama_token_bos();
LLAMA_API llama_token llama_token_eos();
// TODO: improve the last_n_tokens interface ?
LLAMA_API llama_token llama_sample_top_p_top_k(
struct llama_context * ctx,
const llama_token * last_n_tokens_data,
int last_n_tokens_size,
int top_k,
float top_p,
float temp,
float repeat_penalty);
// Performance information
LLAMA_API void llama_print_timings(struct llama_context * ctx);
LLAMA_API void llama_reset_timings(struct llama_context * ctx);
// Print system information
LLAMA_API const char * llama_print_system_info(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus