<!-- Begin Nav bar --> <div class="container"> <hr> <nav class="nav nav-center"> {{ $isHome := .Page.IsHome }} {{ if not $isHome }} <span id="nav-toggle" class="nav-toggle" onclick="document.getElementById('nav-menu').classList.toggle('is-active');"> <span></span> <span></span> <span></span> </span> <div id="nav-menu" class="nav-left nav-menu"> {{ end }} {{ if not $isHome }} <a class="nav-item" href="{{ "/" | relURL }}">Main</a> {{ end }} {{ with .Site.GetPage "page" "about" }} <a class="nav-item" href="{{ if $isHome }}#about{{ else }}{{ "/#about" | relURL }}{{ end }}">{{ .Title }}</a> {{ end }} {{ $pageIsInProjects := eq .Page.Section "projects"}} {{ if not (and $pageIsInProjects (eq .Page.Kind "section")) }} {{ with .Site.GetPage "section" "projects" }} {{ if $isHome }} <a class="nav-item" href="#projects">{{ .Title }}</a> {{ else }} <a class="nav-item" href="{{ "/projects" | relURL }}"> {{ if $pageIsInProjects }} Back to {{ .Title }} {{ else }} {{ .Title }} {{ end }} </a> {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ $pageIsInBlog := eq .Page.Section "blog"}} {{ if not (and $pageIsInBlog (eq .Page.Kind "section")) }} {{ with .Site.GetPage "section" "blog" }} {{ if $isHome }} <a class="nav-item" href="#blog">{{ .Title }}</a> {{ else }} <a class="nav-item" href="{{ "/blog" | relURL }}"> {{ if $pageIsInBlog }} Back to {{ .Title | singularize}} {{ else }} {{ .Title | singularize}} {{ end }} </a> {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ with .Site.GetPage "page" "contact" }} <a class="nav-item" href="{{ if $isHome }}#contact{{ else }}{{ "/#contact" | relURL }}{{ end }}">{{ .Title }}</a> {{ end }} {{ if and .Site.Params.showRSSButton .Site.RSSLink }} <a class="nav-item" href="{{ .Site.RSSLink }}"><i class="fa fa-rss"></i></a> {{ end }} {{ if not .Page.IsHome }} </div> {{ end }} </nav> <hr> </div> <!-- End Nav bar -->