[404_title] other = "404" [404_description] other = "Oops! O bien encontraste un bug (en cuyo caso, [por favor avisame](mailto:{{ .Site.Params.email }})) o simplemente estas inventando cosas. Esta página no existe!" [index_avatarAlt] other = "Mi foto de perfil" [index_blog_latestPosts] other = "Últimas Entradas" [index_blog_allPosts] other = "Todas las Entradas" [index_blog_readMore] other = "Leer más" [index_currentTime] other = "Mi hora local actual es" [nav_backToSection] other = "Volver a {{ .Title }}" [nav_main] other = "Principal" [blog_readingTime] one = "{{ .Count }} minuto de lectura" other = "{{ .Count }} minutos de lectura" [blog_shareThis] other = "Comparte esto" [footer_text] other = "Tema [**Introduction**](https://github.com/vickylai/hugo-theme-introduction/) para [Hugo](http://gohugo.io/). Made with [ and ](https://vickylai.com) by open source contributors."