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2023-06-30 18:30:48 +00:00
Fetched from https://github.com/Smaug123/nix-templates/tree/dotnet-template
2023-06-30 18:28:35 +00:00
# Hello, World in .NET
This flake defines:
* `nix run .#fantomas -- -r .` to run the [Fantomas](https://fsprojects.github.io/fantomas/) F# source formatter.
* `nix develop . --command alejandra .` to run the [Alejandra](https://github.com/kamadorueda/alejandra) Nix source formatter.
* `nix develop . --command markdown-link-check README.md` to check that this README's links are not broken.
* `nix develop . --command bash -c "find . -type f -name '*.sh' | xargs shellcheck"` to check all shell scripts in this repository.
* `nix run . --` to run the application.
* `nix run .#fetchDeps` to collect the [NuGet] dependencies of the project into the [lockfile](./nix/deps.nix). (You only have to run this after you change the NuGet dependencies of the .NET projects.)
## Development
When you want to add a [NuGet] dependency, you will have to rerun `nix run .#fetchDeps`, whose final line of output will tell you which file in your machine's temporary storage it's written its output to.
Copy that file to `./nix/deps.nix`.
If you forget to do this, you'll see `nix build` fail at the NuGet restore stage, because it's not talking to NuGet but instead is using the dependencies present in the Nix store; if you haven't run `fetchDeps`, those dependencies will not be in the store.
(Note that the file as generated does not conform to Alejandra's formatting requirements, so you will probably also want to `nix develop . --command alejandra .` afterwards.)
## Style guidelines
This template is *opinionated* about the style guidelines it uses.
The F# community at large tends to disagree with these guidelines, and you may wish to adjust the [editorconfig](./.editorconfig) file to suit your own needs.