-- put user settings here -- this module will be loaded after everything else when the application starts -- it will be automatically reloaded when saved local core = require "core" local keymap = require "core.keymap" local config = require "core.config" local style = require "core.style" ------------------------------ Themes ---------------------------------------- -- light theme: -- core.reload_module("colors.summer") --------------------------- Key bindings ------------------------------------- -- key binding: -- keymap.add { ["ctrl+escape"] = "core:quit" } -- pass 'true' for second parameter to overwrite an existing binding -- keymap.add({ ["ctrl+pageup"] = "root:switch-to-previous-tab" }, true) -- keymap.add({ ["ctrl+pagedown"] = "root:switch-to-next-tab" }, true) ------------------------------- Fonts ---------------------------------------- -- customize fonts: -- style.font = renderer.font.load(DATADIR .. "/fonts/FiraSans-Regular.ttf", 14 * SCALE) -- style.code_font = renderer.font.load(DATADIR .. "/fonts/JetBrainsMono-Regular.ttf", 14 * SCALE) -- -- DATADIR is the location of the installed Lite XL Lua code, default color -- schemes and fonts. -- USERDIR is the location of the Lite XL configuration directory. -- -- font names used by lite: -- style.font : user interface -- style.big_font : big text in welcome screen -- style.icon_font : icons -- style.icon_big_font : toolbar icons -- style.code_font : code -- -- the function to load the font accept a 3rd optional argument like: -- -- {antialiasing="grayscale", hinting="full", bold=true, italic=true, underline=true, smoothing=true, strikethrough=true} -- -- possible values are: -- antialiasing: grayscale, subpixel -- hinting: none, slight, full -- bold: true, false -- italic: true, false -- underline: true, false -- smoothing: true, false -- strikethrough: true, false ------------------------------ Plugins ---------------------------------------- -- enable or disable plugin loading setting config entries: -- enable plugins.trimwhitespace, otherwise it is disabled by default: -- config.plugins.trimwhitespace = true -- -- disable detectindent, otherwise it is enabled by default -- config.plugins.detectindent = false ---------------------------- Miscellaneous ------------------------------------- -- modify list of files to ignore when indexing the project: -- config.ignore_files = { -- -- folders -- "^%.svn/", "^%.git/", "^%.hg/", "^CVS/", "^%.Trash/", "^%.Trash%-.*/", -- "^node_modules/", "^%.cache/", "^__pycache__/", -- -- files -- "%.pyc$", "%.pyo$", "%.exe$", "%.dll$", "%.obj$", "%.o$", -- "%.a$", "%.lib$", "%.so$", "%.dylib$", "%.ncb$", "%.sdf$", -- "%.suo$", "%.pdb$", "%.idb$", "%.class$", "%.psd$", "%.db$", -- "^desktop%.ini$", "^%.DS_Store$", "^%.directory$", -- }