
392 lines
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2023-02-28 13:19:30 +00:00
_k_friendly_name=Activity Manager
switch-to-activity-33b64162-6e09-4808-8ad1-5599d5f20252=none,none,Switch to activity "2"
switch-to-activity-5ad1b3f8-9c85-44c6-b864-b72eda61d606=none,none,Switch to activity "Default"
switch-to-activity-def3d3d1-440e-4575-92d1-3a64ae2b2c78=none,none,Switch to activity "1"
[KDE Keyboard Layout Switcher]
Switch to Next Keyboard Layout=Ctrl+Alt+K,Meta+Alt+K,Switch to Next Keyboard Layout
_k_friendly_name=Keyboard Layout Switcher
Toggle Screen Reader On and Off=Meta+Alt+S,Meta+Alt+S,Toggle Screen Reader On and Off
Disable Touchpad=Touchpad Off,Touchpad Off,Disable Touchpad
Enable Touchpad=Touchpad On,Touchpad On,Enable Touchpad
Toggle Touchpad=Touchpad Toggle,Touchpad Toggle,Toggle Touchpad
Show System Activity=Ctrl+Esc,Ctrl+Esc,Show System Activity
_k_friendly_name=KDE Daemon
display=Display\tMeta+P,Display\tMeta+P,Switch Display
_k_friendly_name=Custom Shortcuts Service
_k_friendly_name=Audio Volume
decrease_microphone_volume=Microphone Volume Down,Microphone Volume Down,Decrease Microphone Volume
decrease_volume=Volume Down,Volume Down,Decrease Volume
increase_microphone_volume=Microphone Volume Up,Microphone Volume Up,Increase Microphone Volume
increase_volume=Volume Up,Volume Up,Increase Volume
mic_mute=Microphone Mute,Microphone Mute\tMeta+Volume Mute,Mute Microphone
mute=Volume Mute,Volume Mute,Mute
Halt Without Confirmation=Ctrl+Alt+Shift+PgDown,,Halt Without Confirmation
Lock Session=Ctrl+Alt+L\tScreensaver,Meta+L\tScreensaver,Lock Session
Log Out=Ctrl+Alt+Del,Ctrl+Alt+Del,Log Out
Log Out Without Confirmation=Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Del,,Log Out Without Confirmation
Reboot Without Confirmation=Ctrl+Alt+Shift+PgUp,,Reboot Without Confirmation
_k_friendly_name=Session Management
Activate Window Demanding Attention=none,Meta+Ctrl+A,Activate Window Demanding Attention
Decrease Opacity=none,,Decrease Opacity of Active Window by 5%
Edit Tiles=none,Meta+T,Toggle Tiles Editor
Expose=Meta+W,Ctrl+F9,Toggle Present Windows (Current desktop)
ExposeAll=Meta+A,Ctrl+F10\tLaunch (C),Toggle Present Windows (All desktops)
ExposeClass=none,Ctrl+F7,Toggle Present Windows (Window class)
ExposeClassCurrentDesktop=none,none,Toggle Present Windows (Window class on current desktop)
Increase Opacity=none,,Increase Opacity of Active Window by 5%
Invert Screen Colors=none,none,Invert Screen Colors
Kill Window=none,Meta+Ctrl+Esc,Kill Window
Krohnkite: Cycle Layout=Meta+Tab,none,
Krohnkite: Decrease=none,none,
Krohnkite: Down/Next=Meta+J,none,
Krohnkite: Float=Meta+F,none,
Krohnkite: Float All=Meta+Shift+F,none,
Krohnkite: Floating Layout=none,none,
Krohnkite: Grow Height=Meta+Ctrl+J,none,
Krohnkite: Grow Width=Meta+Ctrl+L,none,
Krohnkite: Increase=none,none,
Krohnkite: Left=Meta+H,none,
Krohnkite: Monocle Layout=Ctrl+Alt+4,none,
Krohnkite: Move Down/Next=Meta+Shift+J,none,
Krohnkite: Move Left=Meta+Shift+H,none,
Krohnkite: Move Right=Meta+Shift+L,none,
Krohnkite: Move Up/Prev=Meta+Shift+K,none,
Krohnkite: Next Layout=Meta+\\\\,none,
Krohnkite: Previous Layout=Meta+|,none,
Krohnkite: Quarter Layout=Ctrl+Alt+3,none,
Krohnkite: Right=Meta+L,none,
Krohnkite: Rotate=Meta+R,none,
Krohnkite: Rotate Part=Meta+Shift+R,none,
Krohnkite: Set master=none,none,
Krohnkite: Shrink Height=Meta+Ctrl+K,none,
Krohnkite: Shrink Width=Meta+Ctrl+H,none,
Krohnkite: Spread Layout=Ctrl+Alt+2,none,
Krohnkite: Stair Layout=Ctrl+Alt+1,none,
Krohnkite: Three Column Layout=Ctrl+Alt+5,none,
Krohnkite: Tile Layout=Meta+T,none,
Krohnkite: Up/Prev=Meta+K,none,
MoveMouseToCenter=none,Meta+F6,Move Mouse to Center
MoveMouseToFocus=none,Meta+F5,Move Mouse to Focus
MoveZoomDown=none,none,Move Zoomed Area Downwards
MoveZoomLeft=none,none,Move Zoomed Area to Left
MoveZoomRight=none,none,Move Zoomed Area to Right
MoveZoomUp=none,none,Move Zoomed Area Upwards
Overview=Ctrl+Alt+Tab,Meta+W,Toggle Overview
Setup Window Shortcut=none,,Setup Window Shortcut
Show Desktop=Meta+D,Meta+D,Peek at Desktop
ShowDesktopGrid=Ctrl+F8,Meta+F8,Show Desktop Grid
Suspend Compositing=Alt+Shift+F12,Alt+Shift+F12,Suspend Compositing
Switch One Desktop Down=Meta+Ctrl+Down,Meta+Ctrl+Down,Switch One Desktop Down
Switch One Desktop Up=Meta+Ctrl+Up,Meta+Ctrl+Up,Switch One Desktop Up
Switch One Desktop to the Left=Meta+Ctrl+Left,Meta+Ctrl+Left,Switch One Desktop to the Left
Switch One Desktop to the Right=Meta+Ctrl+Right,Meta+Ctrl+Right,Switch One Desktop to the Right
Switch Window Down=Meta+Alt+Down,Meta+Alt+Down,Switch to Window Below
Switch Window Left=Meta+Alt+Left,Meta+Alt+Left,Switch to Window to the Left
Switch Window Right=Meta+Alt+Right,Meta+Alt+Right,Switch to Window to the Right
Switch Window Up=Meta+Alt+Up,Meta+Alt+Up,Switch to Window Above
Switch to Desktop 1=Meta+1,Ctrl+F1,Switch to Desktop 1
Switch to Desktop 10=Meta+0\tMeta+Num+0,,Switch to Desktop 10
Switch to Desktop 11=none,,Switch to Desktop 11
Switch to Desktop 12=none,,Switch to Desktop 12
Switch to Desktop 13=none,,Switch to Desktop 13
Switch to Desktop 14=none,,Switch to Desktop 14
Switch to Desktop 15=none,,Switch to Desktop 15
Switch to Desktop 16=none,,Switch to Desktop 16
Switch to Desktop 17=none,,Switch to Desktop 17
Switch to Desktop 18=none,,Switch to Desktop 18
Switch to Desktop 19=none,,Switch to Desktop 19
Switch to Desktop 2=Meta+2,Ctrl+F2,Switch to Desktop 2
Switch to Desktop 20=none,,Switch to Desktop 20
Switch to Desktop 3=Meta+3,Ctrl+F3,Switch to Desktop 3
Switch to Desktop 4=Meta+4,Ctrl+F4,Switch to Desktop 4
Switch to Desktop 5=Meta+5,,Switch to Desktop 5
Switch to Desktop 6=Meta+6,,Switch to Desktop 6
Switch to Desktop 7=Meta+7,,Switch to Desktop 7
Switch to Desktop 8=Meta+8,,Switch to Desktop 8
Switch to Desktop 9=Meta+9,,Switch to Desktop 9
Switch to Next Desktop=none,,Switch to Next Desktop
Switch to Next Screen=none,,Switch to Next Screen
Switch to Previous Desktop=none,,Switch to Previous Desktop
Switch to Previous Screen=Meta+\\,,,Switch to Previous Screen
Switch to Screen 0=none,,Switch to Screen 0
Switch to Screen 1=none,,Switch to Screen 1
Switch to Screen 2=Meta+/,,Switch to Screen 2
Switch to Screen 3=none,,Switch to Screen 3
Switch to Screen 4=none,,Switch to Screen 4
Switch to Screen 5=none,,Switch to Screen 5
Switch to Screen 6=none,,Switch to Screen 6
Switch to Screen 7=none,,Switch to Screen 7
Switch to Screen Above=none,,Switch to Screen Above
Switch to Screen Below=none,,Switch to Screen Below
Switch to Screen to the Left=none,,Switch to Screen to the Left
Switch to Screen to the Right=none,,Switch to Screen to the Right
Toggle Night Color=none,none,Toggle Night Color
Toggle Window Raise/Lower=none,,Toggle Window Raise/Lower
ToggleCurrentThumbnail=Meta+Ctrl+T,Meta+Ctrl+T,Toggle Thumbnail for Current Window
Walk Through Desktop List=none,,Walk Through Desktop List
Walk Through Desktop List (Reverse)=none,,Walk Through Desktop List (Reverse)
Walk Through Desktops=none,,Walk Through Desktops
Walk Through Desktops (Reverse)=none,,Walk Through Desktops (Reverse)
Walk Through Windows=Alt+Tab,Alt+Tab,Walk Through Windows
Walk Through Windows (Reverse)=Alt+Shift+Backtab,Alt+Shift+Backtab,Walk Through Windows (Reverse)
Walk Through Windows Alternative=none,,Walk Through Windows Alternative
Walk Through Windows Alternative (Reverse)=none,,Walk Through Windows Alternative (Reverse)
Walk Through Windows of Current Application=Alt+`,Alt+`,Walk Through Windows of Current Application
Walk Through Windows of Current Application (Reverse)=Alt+~,Alt+~,Walk Through Windows of Current Application (Reverse)
Walk Through Windows of Current Application Alternative=none,,Walk Through Windows of Current Application Alternative
Walk Through Windows of Current Application Alternative (Reverse)=none,,Walk Through Windows of Current Application Alternative (Reverse)
Window Above Other Windows=none,,Keep Window Above Others
Window Below Other Windows=none,,Keep Window Below Others
Window Close=Meta+Q,Alt+F4,Close Window
Window Fullscreen=none,,Make Window Fullscreen
Window Grow Horizontal=none,,Expand Window Horizontally
Window Grow Vertical=none,,Expand Window Vertically
Window Lower=none,,Lower Window
Window Maximize=Meta+Up\tAlt+F10\tMeta+PgUp,Meta+PgUp,Maximize Window
Window Maximize Horizontal=none,,Maximize Window Horizontally
Window Maximize Vertical=none,,Maximize Window Vertically
Window Minimize=Meta+N\tMeta+Down\tMeta+PgDown,Meta+PgDown,Minimize Window
Window Move=Alt+F7,,Move Window
Window Move Center=none,,Move Window to the Center
Window No Border=none,,Toggle Window Titlebar and Frame
Window On All Desktops=none,,Keep Window on All Desktops
Window One Desktop Down=Meta+Shift+Down\tMeta+Ctrl+Shift+Down,Meta+Ctrl+Shift+Down,Window One Desktop Down
Window One Desktop Up=Meta+Shift+Up\tMeta+Ctrl+Shift+Up,Meta+Ctrl+Shift+Up,Window One Desktop Up
Window One Desktop to the Left=Meta+Ctrl+Shift+Left,Meta+Ctrl+Shift+Left,Window One Desktop to the Left
Window One Desktop to the Right=Meta+Ctrl+Shift+Right,Meta+Ctrl+Shift+Right,Window One Desktop to the Right
Window One Screen Down=none,,Window One Screen Down
Window One Screen Up=none,,Window One Screen Up
Window One Screen to the Left=none,,Window One Screen to the Left
Window One Screen to the Right=none,,Window One Screen to the Right
Window Operations Menu=none,Alt+F3,Window Operations Menu
Window Pack Down=none,,Move Window Down
Window Pack Left=none,,Move Window Left
Window Pack Right=none,,Move Window Right
Window Pack Up=none,,Move Window Up
Window Quick Tile Bottom=none,Meta+Down,Quick Tile Window to the Bottom
Window Quick Tile Bottom Left=none,,Quick Tile Window to the Bottom Left
Window Quick Tile Bottom Right=none,,Quick Tile Window to the Bottom Right
Window Quick Tile Left=Meta+Left,Meta+Left,Quick Tile Window to the Left
Window Quick Tile Right=Meta+Right,Meta+Right,Quick Tile Window to the Right
Window Quick Tile Top=none,Meta+Up,Quick Tile Window to the Top
Window Quick Tile Top Left=none,,Quick Tile Window to the Top Left
Window Quick Tile Top Right=none,,Quick Tile Window to the Top Right
Window Raise=none,,Raise Window
Window Resize=Alt+F8,,Resize Window
Window Shade=none,,Shade Window
Window Shrink Horizontal=none,,Shrink Window Horizontally
Window Shrink Vertical=none,,Shrink Window Vertically
Window to Desktop 1=Meta+Shift+Num+End,,Window to Desktop 1
Window to Desktop 10=none,,Window to Desktop 10
Window to Desktop 11=none,,Window to Desktop 11
Window to Desktop 12=none,,Window to Desktop 12
Window to Desktop 13=none,,Window to Desktop 13
Window to Desktop 14=none,,Window to Desktop 14
Window to Desktop 15=none,,Window to Desktop 15
Window to Desktop 16=none,,Window to Desktop 16
Window to Desktop 17=none,,Window to Desktop 17
Window to Desktop 18=none,,Window to Desktop 18
Window to Desktop 19=none,,Window to Desktop 19
Window to Desktop 2=Meta+Shift+Num+Down,,Window to Desktop 2
Window to Desktop 20=none,,Window to Desktop 20
Window to Desktop 3=Meta+Shift+Num+PgDown,,Window to Desktop 3
Window to Desktop 4=Meta+Shift+Num+Left,,Window to Desktop 4
Window to Desktop 5=none,,Window to Desktop 5
Window to Desktop 6=none,,Window to Desktop 6
Window to Desktop 7=none,,Window to Desktop 7
Window to Desktop 8=none,,Window to Desktop 8
Window to Desktop 9=none,,Window to Desktop 9
Window to Next Desktop=none,,Window to Next Desktop
Window to Next Screen=none,Meta+Shift+Right,Window to Next Screen
Window to Previous Desktop=none,,Window to Previous Desktop
Window to Previous Screen=none,Meta+Shift+Left,Window to Previous Screen
Window to Screen %1=none,none,Switch to Screen 7
Window to Screen 0=none,,Window to Screen 0
Window to Screen 1=none,,Window to Screen 1
Window to Screen 2=none,,Window to Screen 2
Window to Screen 3=none,,Window to Screen 3
Window to Screen 4=none,,Window to Screen 4
Window to Screen 5=none,,Window to Screen 5
Window to Screen 6=none,,Window to Screen 6
Window to Screen 7=none,,Window to Screen 7
view_actual_size=none,Meta+0,Zoom to Actual Size
view_zoom_in=Meta+=,Meta++,Zoom In
view_zoom_out=Meta+-,Meta+-,Zoom Out
_k_friendly_name=Latte Dock
activate entry 1=none,Meta+1,Activate Entry 1
activate entry 10=none,Meta+0,Activate Entry 10
activate entry 11=Meta+Z,Meta+Z,Activate Entry 11
activate entry 12=Meta+X,Meta+X,Activate Entry 12
activate entry 13=Meta+C,Meta+C,Activate Entry 13
activate entry 14=Meta+V,Meta+V,Activate Entry 14
activate entry 15=none,Meta+B,Activate Entry 15
activate entry 16=none,Meta+N,Activate Entry 16
activate entry 17=Meta+M,Meta+M,Activate Entry 17
activate entry 18=none,Meta+\\,,Activate Entry 18
activate entry 19=Meta+.,Meta+.,Activate Entry 19
activate entry 2=none,Meta+2,Activate Entry 2
activate entry 3=none,Meta+3,Activate Entry 3
activate entry 4=none,Meta+4,Activate Entry 4
activate entry 5=none,Meta+5,Activate Entry 5
activate entry 6=none,Meta+6,Activate Entry 6
activate entry 7=none,Meta+7,Activate Entry 7
activate entry 8=none,Meta+8,Activate Entry 8
activate entry 9=none,Meta+9,Activate Entry 9
clear-history=none,none,Clear Clipboard History
clipboard_action=none,Meta+Ctrl+X,Automatic Action Popup Menu
cycleNextAction=none,none,Next History Item
cyclePrevAction=none,none,Previous History Item
edit_clipboard=none,none,Edit Contents…
new instance for entry 1=Meta+Ctrl+1,Meta+Ctrl+1,New Instance for Entry 1
new instance for entry 10=Meta+Ctrl+0,Meta+Ctrl+0,New Instance for Entry 10
new instance for entry 11=Meta+Ctrl+Z,Meta+Ctrl+Z,New Instance for Entry 11
new instance for entry 12=Meta+Ctrl+X,Meta+Ctrl+X,New Instance for Entry 12
new instance for entry 13=Meta+Ctrl+C,Meta+Ctrl+C,New Instance for Entry 13
new instance for entry 14=Meta+Ctrl+V,Meta+Ctrl+V,New Instance for Entry 14
new instance for entry 15=Meta+Ctrl+B,Meta+Ctrl+B,New Instance for Entry 15
new instance for entry 16=Meta+Ctrl+N,Meta+Ctrl+N,New Instance for Entry 16
new instance for entry 17=Meta+Ctrl+M,Meta+Ctrl+M,New Instance for Entry 17
new instance for entry 18=Meta+Ctrl+\\,,Meta+Ctrl+\\,,New Instance for Entry 18
new instance for entry 19=Meta+Ctrl+.,Meta+Ctrl+.,New Instance for Entry 19
new instance for entry 2=Meta+Ctrl+2,Meta+Ctrl+2,New Instance for Entry 2
new instance for entry 3=Meta+Ctrl+3,Meta+Ctrl+3,New Instance for Entry 3
new instance for entry 4=Meta+Ctrl+4,Meta+Ctrl+4,New Instance for Entry 4
new instance for entry 5=Meta+Ctrl+5,Meta+Ctrl+5,New Instance for Entry 5
new instance for entry 6=Meta+Ctrl+6,Meta+Ctrl+6,New Instance for Entry 6
new instance for entry 7=Meta+Ctrl+7,Meta+Ctrl+7,New Instance for Entry 7
new instance for entry 8=Meta+Ctrl+8,Meta+Ctrl+8,New Instance for Entry 8
new instance for entry 9=Meta+Ctrl+9,Meta+Ctrl+9,New Instance for Entry 9
repeat_action=Meta+Ctrl+R,Meta+Ctrl+R,Manually Invoke Action on Current Clipboard
show latte global settings=none,Meta+W,Show Latte Global Settings
show latte view=Meta+`,Meta+`,Show Latte Dock/Panel
show view settings=none,Meta+A,Cycle Through Dock/Panel Settings Windows
show-barcode=none,none,Show Barcode…
show-on-mouse-pos=none,Meta+V,Open Klipper at Mouse Position
_k_friendly_name=Media Controller
mediavolumedown=none,,Media volume down
mediavolumeup=none,,Media volume up
nextmedia=Media Next,Media Next,Media playback next
pausemedia=Media Pause,Media Pause,Pause media playback
playmedia=none,,Play media playback
playpausemedia=Media Play,Media Play,Play/Pause media playback
previousmedia=Media Previous,Media Previous,Media playback previous
stopmedia=Media Stop,Media Stop,Stop media playback
NewTab=none,none,Open a New Tab
NewWindow=none,none,Open a New Window
RunClipboard=Alt+Shift+F2,Alt+Shift+F2,Run command on clipboard contents
_k_friendly_name=Emoji Selector
_launch=none,Meta+.,Emoji Selector
ActiveWindowScreenShot=Meta+Print,Meta+Print,Capture Active Window
CurrentMonitorScreenShot=none,none,Capture Current Monitor
FullScreenScreenShot=Shift+Print,Shift+Print,Capture Entire Desktop
OpenWithoutScreenshot=none,none,Launch Spectacle without capturing
RectangularRegionScreenShot=Meta+Shift+S,Meta+Shift+Print,Capture Rectangular Region
WindowUnderCursorScreenShot=Meta+Ctrl+Print,Meta+Ctrl+Print,Capture Window Under Cursor
_launch=Print,Print,Launch Spectacle
Decrease Keyboard Brightness=Keyboard Brightness Down,Keyboard Brightness Down,Decrease Keyboard Brightness
Decrease Screen Brightness=Monitor Brightness Down,Monitor Brightness Down,Decrease Screen Brightness
Increase Keyboard Brightness=Keyboard Brightness Up,Keyboard Brightness Up,Increase Keyboard Brightness
Increase Screen Brightness=Monitor Brightness Up,Monitor Brightness Up,Increase Screen Brightness
PowerDown=Power Down,Power Down,Power Down
PowerOff=Power Off,Power Off,Power Off
Toggle Keyboard Backlight=Keyboard Light On/Off,Keyboard Light On/Off,Toggle Keyboard Backlight
Turn Off Screen=none,none,Turn Off Screen
_k_friendly_name=Power Management
activate task manager entry 1=none,Meta+1,Activate Task Manager Entry 1
activate task manager entry 10=none,Meta+0,Activate Task Manager Entry 10
activate task manager entry 2=none,Meta+2,Activate Task Manager Entry 2
activate task manager entry 3=none,Meta+3,Activate Task Manager Entry 3
activate task manager entry 4=none,Meta+4,Activate Task Manager Entry 4
activate task manager entry 5=none,Meta+5,Activate Task Manager Entry 5
activate task manager entry 6=none,Meta+6,Activate Task Manager Entry 6
activate task manager entry 7=none,Meta+7,Activate Task Manager Entry 7
activate task manager entry 8=none,Meta+8,Activate Task Manager Entry 8
activate task manager entry 9=none,Meta+9,Activate Task Manager Entry 9
activate widget 114=none,none,Activate Application Launcher Widget
activate widget 142=none,none,Activate Digital Clock Widget
activate widget 208=none,none,Activate Icons-only Task Manager Widget
activate widget 3=none,none,Activate Application Launcher Widget
activate widget 87=none,none,Activate Application Launcher Widget
activate widget 90=Alt+F1,none,Activate Application Launcher Widget
clear-history=none,,Clear Clipboard History
clipboard_action=Ctrl+Alt+X,Meta+Ctrl+X,Automatic Action Popup Menu
cycle-panels=Meta+Alt+P,Meta+Alt+P,Move keyboard focus between panels
cycleNextAction=none,,Next History Item
cyclePrevAction=none,,Previous History Item
edit_clipboard=none,,Edit Contents…
manage activities=none,Meta+Q,Show Activity Switcher
next activity=none,Meta+Tab,Walk through activities
previous activity=Meta+Shift+Tab,Meta+Shift+Tab,Walk through activities (Reverse)
repeat_action=Ctrl+Alt+R,Meta+Ctrl+R,Manually Invoke Action on Current Clipboard
show dashboard=Ctrl+F12,Ctrl+F12,Show Desktop
show-barcode=none,,Show Barcode…
show-on-mouse-pos=none,Meta+V,Show Items at Mouse Position
stop current activity=none,Meta+S,Stop Current Activity
switch to next activity=none,,Switch to Next Activity
switch to previous activity=none,,Switch to Previous Activity
toggle do not disturb=none,,Toggle do not disturb
_k_friendly_name=System Settings
_launch=Tools\tMeta+I,Tools,System Settings
kcm-kscreen=none,none,Display Configuration
kcm-lookandfeel=none,none,Global Theme
powerdevilprofilesconfig=none,none,Energy Saving
screenlocker=none,none,Screen Locking
new-private-window=none,none,New Private Window
new-window=none,none,New Window