2023-06-07 17:51:43 +05:30

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baseURL = ""
languageCode = "en"
defaultContentLanguage = "en" # en / zh-cn / ... (This field determines which i18n file to use)
title = "Aditya's blog"
preserveTaxonomyNames = true
enableRobotsTXT = true
enableEmoji = true
themesDir = "themes"
theme = "even"
enableGitInfo = true # use git commit log to generate lastmod record # 可根据 Git 中的提交生成最近更新记录。
# Syntax highlighting by Chroma. NOTE: Don't enable `highlightInClient` and `chroma` at the same time!
pygmentsOptions = "linenos=table"
pygmentsCodefences = true
pygmentsUseClasses = true
pygmentsCodefencesGuessSyntax = true
hasCJKLanguage = true # has chinese/japanese/korean ? # 自动检测是否包含 中文\日文\韩文
paginate = 5 # 首页每页显示的文章数
disqusShortname = "" # disqus_shortname
googleAnalytics = "" # UA-XXXXXXXX-X
copyright = "" # default: ↓ # 默认为下面配置的 ↓
[author] # essential # 必需
name = "Aditya"
[sitemap] # essential # 必需
changefreq = "weekly"
priority = 0.5
filename = "sitemap.xml"
[[menu.main]] # config your menu # 配置目录
name = "Home"
weight = 10
identifier = "home"
url = "/"
name = "Posts"
weight = 20
identifier = "archives"
url = "/post/"
name = "Tags"
weight = 30
identifier = "tags"
url = "/tags/"
name = "Categories"
weight = 40
identifier = "categories"
url = "/categories/"
version = "4.x" # Used to give a friendly message when you have an incompatible update
debug = false # If true, load `eruda.min.js`. See
since = "2022" # Site creation time # 站点建立时间
# use public git repo url to link lastmod git commit, enableGitInfo should be true.
# 指定 git 仓库地址,可以生成指向最近更新的 git commit 的链接,需要将 enableGitInfo 设置成 true.
gitRepo = ""
# site info (optional) # 站点信息(可选,不需要的可以直接注释掉)
logoTitle = "Aditya's blog" # default: the title value # 默认值: 上面设置的title值
keywords = ["blog", "hugo"]
description = "Home of my blog posts."
# paginate of archives, tags and categories # 归档、标签、分类每页显示的文章数目,建议修改为一个较大的值
archivePaginate = 50
# show 'xx Posts In Total' in archive page ? # 是否在归档页显示文章的总数
showArchiveCount = true
# The date format to use; for a list of valid formats, see
dateFormatToUse = "2006-01-02"
# show word count and read time ? # 是否显示字数统计与阅读时间
moreMeta = true
# Syntax highlighting by highlight.js
highlightInClient = false
# 一些全局开关,你也可以在每一篇内容的 front matter 中针对单篇内容关闭或开启某些功能,在 archetypes/ 查看更多信息。
# Some global options, you can also close or open something in front matter for a single post, see more information from `archetypes/`.
toc = true # 是否开启目录
autoCollapseToc = false # Auto expand and collapse toc # 目录自动展开/折叠
fancybox = true # see # 是否启用fancybox图片可点击
# mathjax
mathjax = false # see # 是否使用mathjax数学公式
mathjaxEnableSingleDollar = false # 是否使用 $...$ 即可進行inline latex渲染
mathjaxEnableAutoNumber = false # 是否使用公式自动编号
mathjaxUseLocalFiles = false # You should install mathjax in `your-site/static/lib/mathjax`
postMetaInFooter = true # contain author, lastMod, markdown link, license # 包含作者上次修改时间markdown链接许可信息
linkToMarkDown = false # Only effective when hugo will output .md files. # 链接到markdown原始文件仅当允许hugo生成markdown文件时有效
contentCopyright = '<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons Licence" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br />This work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>' # e.g. '<a rel="license noopener" href="" target="_blank">CC BY-NC-ND 4.0</a>'
# Link custom CSS and JS assets
# (relative to /static/css and /static/js respectively)
customCSS = []
customJS = []
uglyURLs = false # please keep same with uglyurls setting
# Show language selector for multilingual site.
showLanguageSelector = false
[params.publicCDN] # load these files from public cdn # 启用公共CDN需自行定义
enable = true
jquery = '<script src="" integrity="sha256-hwg4gsxgFZhOsEEamdOYGBf13FyQuiTwlAQgxVSNgt4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'
slideout = '<script src="" integrity="sha256-t+zJ/g8/KXIJMjSVQdnibt4dlaDxc9zXr/9oNPeWqdg=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'
fancyboxJS = '<script src="" integrity="sha256-XVLffZaxoWfGUEbdzuLi7pwaUJv1cecsQJQqGLe7axY=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'
fancyboxCSS = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-7TyXnr2YU040zfSP+rEcz29ggW4j56/ujTPwjMzyqFY=" crossorigin="anonymous">'
timeagoJS = '<script src="" integrity="sha256-jwCP0NAdCBloaIWTWHmW4i3snUNMHUNO+jr9rYd2iOI=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'
timeagoLocalesJS = '<script src="" integrity="sha256-ZwofwC1Lf/faQCzN7nZtfijVV6hSwxjQMwXL4gn9qU8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'
flowchartDiagramsJS = '<script src="" integrity="sha256-67By+NpOtm9ka1R6xpUefeGOY8kWWHHRAKlvaTJ7ONI=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="" integrity="sha256-zNGWjubXoY6rb5MnmpBNefO0RgoVYfle9p0tvOQM+6k=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'
sequenceDiagramsCSS = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-6QbLKJMz5dS3adWSeINZe74uSydBGFbnzaAYmp+tKyq60S7H2p6V7g1TysM5lAaF" crossorigin="anonymous">'
sequenceDiagramsJS = '<script src="" integrity="sha256-4O4pS1SH31ZqrSO2A/2QJTVjTPqVe+jnYgOWUVr7EEc=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="" integrity="sha256-oI+elz+sIm+jpn8F/qEspKoKveTc5uKeFHNNVexe6d8=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="" integrity="sha256-obZACiHd7gkOk9iIL/pimWMTJ4W/pBsKu+oZnSeBIek=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="" integrity="sha384-8748Vn52gHJYJI0XEuPB2QlPVNUkJlJn9tHqKec6J3q2r9l8fvRxrgn/E5ZHV0sP" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>'
# Display a message at the beginning of an article to warn the readers that it's content may be outdated.
# 在文章开头显示提示信息,提醒读者文章内容可能过时。
enable = false
hint = 30 # Display hint if the last modified time is more than these days ago. # 如果文章最后更新于这天数之前,显示提醒
warn = 180 # Display warning if the last modified time is more than these days ago. # 如果文章最后更新于这天数之前,显示警告
[params.flowchartDiagrams]# see
enable = false
options = ""
[params.sequenceDiagrams] # see
enable = false
options = "" # default: "{theme: 'simple'}"
# See
anonymizeIP = true # ->
privacyEnhanced = true
# see
startLevel = 1
unsafe = true
# 将下面这段配置取消注释可以使 hugo 生成 .md 文件
# Uncomment these options to make hugo output .md files.
# [mediaTypes."text/plain"]
# suffixes = ["md"]
# mediaType = "text/plain"
# isPlainText = true
# isHTML = false
# home = ["HTML", "RSS"]
# page = ["HTML", "MarkDown"]
# section = ["HTML", "RSS"]
# taxonomy = ["HTML", "RSS"]
# taxonomyTerm = ["HTML"]