# Betterlockscreen
> fast and sweet looking lockscreen for linux systems with effects and OpenRC support!
Forked from [betterlockscreen/betterlockscreen](https://github.com/betterlockscreen/betterlockscreen)
![scrot2](https://github.com/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen.demo/raw/master/scrots/scrot2.png 'scrot2.png')
## Table of Contents
- [About](#about)
- [How it works](#how-it-works)
- [System Requirements](#system-requirements)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Configuration](#configuration)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Background](#background)
- [Keybinding](#keybindings)
## About
Most of i3lock wrapper-scripts out there take an image, add some effect(s) then lock with the modified image as locker-background. Overall experience doesn't feel natural given delay of 2-3 seconds.
> Who would like a delay of 2-3 seconds while locking screen?
So Betterlockscreen was my attempt to solve this problem, as we dont need to change lockscreen background frequently this script caches images with effect so overall experience is simple and as fast as native i3lock.
## How it works
The script takes a directory or image, adds various effects and caches the images in special directory. Those cached images will be used as locker-background depending on configuration provided by user.
## System Requirements
* [i3lock-color](https://github.com/Raymo111/i3lock-color) `>= 2.13.c.3`
* [ImageMagick](https://imagemagick.org/)
* xdpyinfo, xrandr, xrdb and xset from [X.Org](https://www.x.org/)
* (Optional) [Dunst](https://dunst-project.org/)
* (Optional) [feh](https://feh.finalrewind.org/) for wallpaper-functionality
> Note: Make sure your system has all dependencies satisfied
## Installation
### Installation Script
Clone the repo and run the script. The script is very simple and takes two parameters:
* ``: (string) 'user' installs to '~/.local/bin/', 'system' installs to '/usr/local/bin'
* `[]`: (string) defaults to local, which will install from the local copy of the repo. Use 'latest', which will determine the latest tag from git or specified branch/tag
For system-installation:
bash install.sh system
For user-installation:
bash install.sh user
### Manual Installation
Clone the repo and copy `betterlockscreen` to the relevant directory. Make sure you have dependenncies installed. See [System Requirements](#system-requirements) above.
## Configuration
You can customize betterlockscreen for your needs, copy the config file from the examples-directory to `~/.config/betterlockscreenrc` and edit it accordingly.
If no configuration-file is found, then the default configurations (which is equal to the example but currently hardcoded) will be used.
## Usage
Run `betterlockscreen` and point it to either a directory (`betterlockscreen -u "path/to/dir"`) or an image (`betterlockscreen -u "/path/to/img.jpg"`) and that's all. `betterlockscreen` will change update its cache with image you provided.
Usage: betterlockscreen [-u ] [-l ] [-w ]
-u --update
Update lock screen image
-l --lock
Lock screen with cached image
-w --wall
Set wallpaper with cached image
Additional arguments:
Set display to draw loginbox
Scale image to span multiple displays
Turn display off after N seconds
List of effects to apply
Pass following arguments to i3lock
Effects arguments:
Dim image N percent (0-100)
Blur image N amount (0.0-1.0)
Pixelate image with N shrink and N grow (unsupported)
Solid color background with HEX
#### Examples
1. Update image cache with random image
`betterlockscreen -u ~/Wallpapers`
2. Update image cache with only dim and pixel effects
`betterlockscreen -u ~/Wallpapers/image.png --fx dim,pixel`
3. Update image cache with random image, multiple monitors, login on 1, spanning
`betterlockscreen -u ~/Wallpapers/Dual/ --display 1 --span`
4. Update image cache with solid background only (ignore errors)
`betterlockscreen -u . --fx color --color 5833ff`
5. Update image cache with different background images
`betterlockscreen -u ~/Wallpapers/image1.png -u ~/Wallpapers/image2.png`
6. Lock screen with blur effect
`betterlockscreen --lock blur`
7. Lock screen with multiple monitors, spanning
`betterlockscreen -l dimblur --display 1 --span`
## Background
Add this line to `.xinitrc`.
# set desktop background with custom effect
betterlockscreen -w dim
# Alternative (set last used background)
source ~/.fehbg
### i3wm
Add this line to `~/.config/i3/config`
# set desktop background with custom effect
exec --no-startup-id betterlockscreen -w dim
# Alternative (set last used background)
exec --no-startup-id source ~/.fehbg
## Keybindings
To lockscreen using keyboard shortcut
### i3wm
Add this line to your `~/.config/i3/config`
bindsym $mod+shift+x exec betterlockscreen -l dim
### bspwm
Add this line to your `~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc`
# lockscreen
alt + shift + x
betterlockscreen -l dim
## Countributing
## License
Betterlockscreen is under [MIT](https://github.com/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/blob/main/LICENSE) license.
### Feel free to use and distribute
- Hat tip to anyone who's code was used
- Thanks to those who contributed to make it better
- Inspiration - [r/unixporn](https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn)