# betterlockscreen > simple, minimal lockscreen Betterlockscreen allows you to cache images with different filters and lockscreen with blazing speed. ## Example > lockscreen with blurred effect ```sh betterlockscreen --lock blur ``` ![scrot2](https://github.com/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen.demo/raw/master/scrots/scrot2.png 'scrot2.png') > [Watch some of the features of betterlockscreen in action](https://youtu.be/9Ng5FZwnn6M) ## Table of Contents - [about](#about) - [how it works](#how-it-works) - [requirements](#requirements) - [installation](#installation) - [configuration](#configuration) - [usage](#usage) - [background](#set-desktop-background-on-startup) - [keybinding](#keybindings) - [lockscreen on suspend](#lockscreen-when-suspendedsystemd-service) ### About Most of i3lock wrapper scripts out there takes an image, adds some effect and locks the screen adding effects, overall experience doesn't feel natural given delay of 2-3 seconds. Who would like a delay of 2-3 seconds while locking screen? So betterlockscreen was my attempt to solve this problem, as we dont need to change lockscreen background frequently this script caches images with effect so overall experience is simple and as fast as native i3lock. ### How it works The script takes image adds various effects and caches those images in special directory and then uses those images as lockscreen background depending on argument provided by user. ### Requirements > Note: Make sure your system has all dependencies satisfied - [i3lock-color](https://github.com/Raymo111/i3lock-color) - i3lock fork with additional features(`>= 2.13.c.3`) - [imagemagick](https://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php) - To apply effects to images - [xdpyinfo](https://www.x.org/archive/X11R7.7/doc/man/man1/xdpyinfo.1.xhtml), [xrandr](https://www.x.org/wiki/Projects/XRandR/), [bc](https://www.gnu.org/software/bc/) and [feh](https://feh.finalrewind.org/) - To find screen resolution, set custom blur level and wallpaper handling. ### Installation > manual installation ```sh git clone https://github.com/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen cd betterlockscreen cp betterlockscreen ~/.local/bin/ ```


```sh # or wget the script ~12KB wget -O betterlockscreen https://git.io/fASUJ chmod u+x betterlockscreen cp betterlockscreen ~/.local/bin/ ``` ```sh # Add betterlockscreen to PATH: # (In your .bashrc, .zshrc etc) export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/.local/bin/" ``` ### Package Manager #### Arch Linux ###### Installing dependencies(not required if using betterlockscreen aur package) `pacman -S imagemagick feh xorg-xrandr xorg-xdpyinfo` - i3lock-color - `trizen -S i3lock-color` #### Aur package `betterlockscreen` is available in the Arch User repos as `betterlockscreen` and `betterlockscreen-git`. - betterlockscreen - `trizen -S betterlockscreen` - betterlockscreen-git - `trizen -S betterlockscreen-git` #### Debian and derivatives UtkarshVerma was so kind to provide an installation script for debian based systems, ![check it out here](https://github.com/UtkarshVerma/installer-scripts). #### Void Linux ##### xbps repository `betterlockscreen` is available in official Void's repository as `betterlockscreen`. Installing using `xbps` (will automatically install all required dependencies): `xbps-install -S betterlockscreen` ### Configuration You can customise various colors for betterlockscreen, copy config file from examples directory to `~/.config/betterlockscreenrc` and edit it accordingly. If configuration file is not found then default configurations will be used. ```ini # default options display_on=0 span_image=false lock_timeout=300 fx_list=(dim blur dimblur pixel dimpixel color) dim_level=40 blur_level=1 pixel_scale=10,1000 solid_color=333333 # theme options loginbox=00000066 loginshadow=00000000 locktext="Type password to unlock..." font="sans-serif" ringcolor=ffffffff insidecolor=00000000 separatorcolor=00000000 ringvercolor=ffffffff insidevercolor=00000000 ringwrongcolor=ffffffff insidewrongcolor=d23c3dff keyhlcolor=d23c3dff bshlcolor=d23c3dff verifcolor=ffffffff timecolor=ffffffff datecolor=ffffffff wallpaper_cmd="feh --bg-fill --no-fehbg" time_format="%H:%M:%S" ``` If you have installed betterlockscreen from AUR package, then you can copy default config from docs ```sh cp /usr/share/doc/betterlockscreen/examples/betterlockscreenrc ~/.config ``` ### Usage Run `betterlockscreen` and point it to either a directory (`betterlockscreen -u "path/to/dir"`) or an image (`betterlockscreen -u "/path/to/img.jpg"`) and that's all. `betterlockscreen` will change update its cache with image you provided. ```sh Usage: betterlockscreen [-u ] [-l ] [-w ] -u --update Update lock screen image -l --lock Lock screen with cached image -w --wall Set wallpaper with cached image Additional arguments: --display Set display to draw loginbox --span Scale image to span multiple displays --off Turn display off after N minutes --fx List of effects to apply -- Pass following arguments to i3lock Effects arguments: --dim Dim image N percent (0-100) --blur Blur image N amount (0.0-1.0) --pixel Pixelate image with N shrink and N grow (unsupported) --color Solid color background with HEX ``` #### Usage examples: 1. Update image cache with random image `betterlockscreen -u ~/Wallpapers` 2. Update image cache with only dim and pixel effects `betterlockscreen -u ~/Wallpapers/image.png --fx dim,pixel` 3. Update image cache with random image, multiple monitors, login on 1, spanning `betterlockscreen -u ~/Wallpapers/Dual/ --display 1 --span` 4. Update image cache with solid background only (ignore errors) `betterlockscreen -u . --fx color --color 5833ff` 5. Update image cache with different background images `betterlockscreen -u ~/Wallpapers/image1.png -u ~/Wallpapers/image2.png` 6. Lock screen with blur effect `betterlockscreen --lock blur` 7. Lock screen with multiple monitors, spanning `betterlockscreen -l dimblur --display 1 --span` ### Set desktop background on startup Add this line to `.xinitrc`. ```sh # set desktop background with custom effect betterlockscreen -w dim # Alternative (set last used background) source ~/.fehbg ``` #### i3wm Add this line to `~/.config/i3/config` ```sh # set desktop background with custom effect exec --no-startup-id betterlockscreen -w dim # Alternative (set last used background) exec --no-startup-id source ~/.fehbg ``` ### Keybindings To lockscreen using keyboard shortcut #### i3wm Add this line to your `~/.config/i3/config` ```sh bindsym $mod+shift+x exec betterlockscreen -l dim ``` #### bspwm Add this line to your `~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc` ```sh # lockscreen alt + shift + x betterlockscreen -l dim ``` ### Lockscreen when suspended(systemd service) ```sh # move service file to proper dir (the aur package does this for you) cp betterlockscreen@.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/ # enable systemd service systemctl enable betterlockscreen@$USER # disable systemd service systemctl disable betterlockscreen@$USER # Note: Now you can call systemctl suspend to suspend your system # and betterlockscreen service will be activated # so when your system wakes your screen will be locked. ``` **Hint:** The systemd-unit expects betterlockscreen to be installed in "/usr/local/bin", so maybe you want to check or change this! Resources and more informations: * https://gist.github.com/Raymo111/91ffd256b7aca6a85e8a99d6331d3b7b * https://github.com/Raymo111/i3lock-color/issues/174#issuecomment-687149213 --- ### Countributing Thanks to all the amazing people for all your wonderful PRs, issues and ideas! [![](https://sourcerer.io/fame/pavanjadhaw/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/images/0)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/pavanjadhaw/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/links/0)[![](https://sourcerer.io/fame/pavanjadhaw/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/images/1)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/pavanjadhaw/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/links/1)[![](https://sourcerer.io/fame/pavanjadhaw/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/images/2)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/pavanjadhaw/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/links/2)[![](https://sourcerer.io/fame/pavanjadhaw/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/images/3)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/pavanjadhaw/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/links/3)[![](https://sourcerer.io/fame/pavanjadhaw/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/images/4)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/pavanjadhaw/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/links/4)[![](https://sourcerer.io/fame/pavanjadhaw/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/images/5)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/pavanjadhaw/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/links/5)[![](https://sourcerer.io/fame/pavanjadhaw/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/images/6)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/pavanjadhaw/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/links/6)[![](https://sourcerer.io/fame/pavanjadhaw/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/images/7)](https://sourcerer.io/fame/pavanjadhaw/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/links/7) ## How can I support developers? - Star our GitHub repo :star: - Create pull requests, submit bugs, suggest new features or documentation updates :wrench: ## License Betterlockscreen is under [MIT](https://github.com/pavanjadhaw/betterlockscreen/blob/master/LICENSE) license. ## Feel free to use and distribute - Hat tip to anyone who's code was used - Thanks to those who contributed to make it better - Inspiration - [r/unixporn](https://www.reddit.com/r/unixporn) [logo]: .github/hero.png [website]: https://mdxjs.com